1rupee Karaiyar Matrimony, Marriage site for Brides and Grooms

Hindu Karaiyar Matrimonial Site

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Hindu Karaiyar Matrimony

Karaiyar Matrimonial - RM672510



: 32 image_2

Marital status

: Never Married


: Clerk


: Tamil


: Hindu


: Karaiyar


: London


: England

Hi, I am the Sibling of Groom, Never Married. And we are Tamil Speaking Family....Read more »

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Hindu Karaiyar Marriage Site

Hindu karaiyar matrimony is a standing discovered for the most part on the northern and eastern beach front zones of Sri Lanka and the Coromandel shore of the Indian province of Tamil Nadu, and internationally among the Tamil diaspora. They are generally a beach front network who were occupied with marine, angling and maritime fighting. They are known for their oceanic history and are presumed as a warrior station who constituted as the commanders and skippers of the Aryacakravarti tradition. The Karaiyar bride and groom are among the old waterfront networks who possessed the Neithal Sangam scene, and are related with the Kshatriya varna. The antiquated Tamil literaturementions a few seaside populaces, yet does not contain any immediate references to the Karaiyars. Hindu karaiyar matrimonial were by the Portuguese portrayed as the most "warlike" clan and their boss as most genuine enemies of the pilgrim Portuguese. The Karaiyars revolted a few times against the Portuguese in the victory of the Jaffna kingdom, who adjusted and furthermore directed over the troops of Thanjavur Nayak Kingdom, whose ruler was Raghunatha Nayak. The main rebel against them was driven by the Karaiyar boss Migapulle Arachchi, a primitive ruler of Jaffna Kingdom. A later revolt was begun by the Karaiyars and the Thanjavur Nayak troops of more than 5000 men, charged by the Karaiyar boss, Varunakulattan, one portrayed by the Portuguese as being of royal status.

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